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Saved by grace, a wife, mother, and perpetual project person. I'm obsessed with the beauty of nature - especially those wide open spaces and glorious Oklahoma sunsets.  I'm continually in awe of the Lord's kindness, grace and mercy. I truly feel like I'm living the dream - I'm blessed to be married to the most supportive husband and to mother the two most precious boys.  


I'm happiest when I'm creating - whether it's making a mess in my kitchen, designing my summer garden or with my camera in hand. 


As a photographer, I want to capture all the moments that, as a mother, I want to remember too. For me, that's not just the one photograph where everyone's looking at the camera and smiling but also the in-between moments - the connection and relationship between families. Most of the time that means embracing the crazy and celebrating the chaos - after all, that's usually where the best photographs come from.

I believe the Lord has blessed each of us greatly and that through photographs we can celebrate the gifts we have been given and remember all He's done for us .


The Details

Pricing, packages and your questions answered.


Stacking Stones

How the name came to be and what fuels my passion.


Let's Connect

Book your session, ask a question or say hello!

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